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A bridge between your data, and Infinite Storage |
You have 2 choices with regards to JS3tream. You can do what I first did, and use a bash script around the "tar -g" feature. Or, you can use the new s3napback package.
Because your bucket names on S3 must be unique to ALL S3 buckets, you must come up with something unique, but usefull. I have been using a naming structure that incorporates my domain and machine name. I then use a bucket suffix to identify the archive file. For example, if your domain is "foo.com" and your machine is named "jack" and you are backing up your "/var/www" directory then I would name my bucket "com.foo.jack:/var/www.tgz". The reason for the reverse order of the domain "com.foo.jack" is to emulate the java package naming structure. In the world of Java, packages are named in this way. I also make use of the JS3tream -t parameter to add a usefull description of this archive. Something like "Archive of /var/www".
The one downside to using Java, is it can demand a few more Megs of Ram than a native compiled program. This might make it sounds as though Java is a memory pig, but it really isn't. I've found that JS3tream loads into about 49M of ram for upload operations, and about 39M of ram for download operations. If your system is not allowing your JVM to allocate this much memory, then you might try increasing the amount available to Java with the -Xmx option. The default for most JVMs is 80M. The following will increate the maximum ram used to 128 Megabytes.
java -Xmx128M -jar js3tream.jar
The -z option has a big impact on the amount of ram needed by JS3tream. The default value for the -z option is 5000000 bytes, or 5M. This means that JS3tream will need at least 5M of memory just for the internal buffer. If you try to set the -z option to a huge value like 300M, then you will most likely run out of memory. If you really think you need 300M blocks, then you might also want to use the -f option. This tells JS3tream to use a file buffer instead of a memory buffer.
This is a very important question to understand. This default value for -z is 5 Megabytes. When JS3tream is creating a new or restoring S3 archive, it will create a temporary file in your temp directory. As your program streams data into JS3tream, it will write the data to this temp file. Once the temp file is full, JS3tream will send this chunk to S3. Once the send is complete, the temp file will be emptied, and your stream of data will continue ot fill it once again. Then, JS3tream will send that next chunk.. and so on.. and so on.
The same happens when restoring a file from S3. A temp file is used and filled with the chunk of stream data. Once the chunk of data is read from S3, the temp file will have it's MD5 sum checked to ensure the transfer was successfull. Then, the data will be streamed out through STDOUT.
You can see how this can impact the operation. If you set the size option to 3 Gigabytes, then JS3tream will try to create a 3G file on your system. If that is successfull, JS3tream will try to send that 3G file to S3. Although this should work, what if the upload fails? Then JS3tream will try again, and you can see how much of a waste of bandwidth this can be.
Another reason that jS3tram creates a temporary file for uploading chunks of data, is to it can calculate the MD5 sum of each chunk sent. Once a data chunk is uploaded to S3, S3 will return the MD5 sum that they calculated. If the MD5 sums match, then JS3tream assumes that the upload was a success. If the MD5 sums don't match, then JS3tream will try once again to upload the chunk.
JS3tream will try 5 times to send a data chunk. If all 5 attempts fail, then the operation will end.
This depends on the speed of your internet pipe. My internet connection at home is through one of the major TV Companies. I get about 3.5 megabits download speed, and about 300 kilobits upload speed. If you want to test your internet speed, try this bandwidth tester. Bandwidth Speed Test.
This means at 300kbps, a 10 megabyte file will take about 4.5 minutes to upload, and about 35 seconds to download. Try the -v option on js3tream to see what upload speed is being achieved.
No. All output generated by JS3tream that is intended for the user to read is sent through STDERR. Your STDIN and STDOUT streams are NOT altered in anyway.
I'm afraid that JS3tream doesn't support encrypting of data.. yet. It might one day. But in the mean time, it is up to you to encrypt your data before sending it through JS3tream. You can use the gpg tool provided in most Linux flavors.
This is one of those "Depends" answers. Amazon allows each object within a single bucket to be a maximum of 5 gigabytes in size. JS3tream names the bucket objects with a key based on a 64-bit long value. There for the maximum number of objects per bucket is 263-1. That is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 chunks of data per bucket. So, in theory, 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 x 5 gigs gives us a maximum of 46,116,860,184,273,879,035 Gigabytes of storage per archive. I don't think there is even that much data on this entire planet!
Since S3 can hold a theoretical HUGE amount of data, the limit for JS3tream is actually on the maximum size of the single temp file needed during an archive operation. JS3tream creates a temp file based on the size of the data chunks passed to S3. The default is 5 megabytes. If your system only allows the temp file to be.. say... 100 megabytes, then that is the size limit of each data chunk.
The quick answer to this question... LOTS AND LOTS!!
Since JS3tream is just a STDIO bridge, you can run JS3tream with the -o option and redirect STDOUT to a file. Try this
java -jar js3tream.jar -K key.txt -o -b mybucket.backup:archive.tgz > myarchive.tgz
This will read the stream data from S3, and put the data into the myarchive.tgz file.
The first release of JS3tream used temp files for all S3 data chunks sent out. Now using temp files is an option in JS3tream. By default we now use in memory buffers. But, if you plan to send very large data chunks by setting the -z option, then you might want to consider using file buffers with the -f option.
But, why did JS3tream use file buffers to start with? Some of you Java programmers out there are wondering why JS3tream uses a temp file to buffer an S3 Object before sending it to Amazon. Why doesn't JS3tream just send the data directly as the stream is read? Well, there are 2 answers to this question. #1, when sending a chunk of data to Amazon, they expect you to specify the chuck size before actually sending the data. So, we need to know the chuck size ahead of time. Therefor a temp file gives us this ability. #2, we use MD5 sums in both send and receive operations to ensure that the data chuck is not corrupted. And if the data is corrupted, JS3tream will attempt to re-fetch or re-send the chunk of data. Again, a temp file is by far the best way to do this.
When listing the contents of a particular S3 bucket, JS3tream does more than just list the archives within the bucket. For each archive within a single S3 bucket, JS3tream will also calculate the number of data chunks, and the sizes of these data chunks. This means that for a given S3 bucket, each and every data chunk within the bucket must have it's metadata read so we can get the size info. For this reason, JS3tream must therefor at least look at every element with the specified bucket. And this is where the time starts to add up. If you have a 100 gigabyte archive broken up into 5M chunks, this will result in 20000 data chunks for this archive alone. Now, JS3tream has to look at each of the 20,000 elements one at a time.
But don't worry, listing the contents of a bucket does NOT require that the data be downloaded. JS3tream only reads the buckets meta-data to determine file sizes.
One of the things I made sure if when writing JS3tream, was that it's uploaded data was not in a format that was readable ONLY by JS3tream. If you understand how JS3tream stores your data to S3, then you can very easily restore your data using a number of different options.
JS3tream stores your archive data in what I call "data chunks". And each data chunk is identified by both an archive prefix and an index number. Using any number of utilities available, you can view the contents of one of your buckets. What you will see, is a bucket with a list of containers that look like this.
home-movies.zip:00000000000000000000 home-movies.zip:00000000000000000001 home-movies.zip:00000000000000000002 home-movies.zip:00000000000000000003 home-movies.zip:00000000000000000005 ... home-movies.zip:00000000000000000264 home-movies.zip:00000000000000000265 home-movies.zip:00000000000000000266
You could use the --list and --debug option of JS3tream to also view these data chunks.
What you see in the above container list, is the "data chunks" JS3tream has created. Note, they are named with the "prefix" you used to create the archive, and then an index number is automatically generated to identify the correct order of the data.
Again, using any number of available S3 utilities, you can download from S3, each individual container into seperate files on your computer. For example, you could grab the above list into files named "home-movies.0" "home-movies.1" "home-movies.2" etc.. etc...
Once downloaded, you can re-construct your original file by combining them all together.
# On Windows type home-movies.0 home-movies.1 home-movie.2 ... home-movies.266 > home-movies.zip # On Unix/Linux cat home-movies.0 home-movies.1 home-movies.2 ... home-movies.266 > home-movies.zip
Thats it, you now have a copy of your original archive file, and you didn't need JS3tream to do it.